Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lovely Lions

BOOK: For some reason the kids were frightened of the bear hunt story that we checked out of the library a few months ago, but they LOVE this story based on the original. This book, We're Going on a Lion Hunt by Margery Cuyler, features a classroom of kids who use their imagination to go on a lion hunt directed by their teacher. Both my boys ask to read this again and again and to act it out!

ACTIVITY: Paper Plate Lion Faces
First I did a little prep work before bringing in the boys. I cut strips of orange and brown construction paper for the manes, brown paper ears, and black strips for whiskers. Then I drew very simple eyes, nose, and mouth on each plate.

The boys then got involved with the glue. They took their time gluing the strips of paper as they wished and finished up their lion faces. I invited them to color anything they wanted on the faces or decorate them in any other way, but they were pretty tired of the glue process and were happy with the outcome as it was. This was not the most creative activity, but they really did like the way that the faces looked at the end.

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